Hogares Rafaela Ybarra

Love Transforms





Welcome to the Hogares Rafaela Ybarra

For more than 65 years we have provided home, care, and protection to girls and young women between the ages of 5 and 18, who for various circumstances lack one. We provide them with the right opportunities to ensure healthy development and growth at all levels.

About us

Hogares Rafaela Ybarra is a non-profit corporation founded and directed by the Religious of the Guardian Angels.Based on a preventive approach, we seek to reduce school dropouts and eliminate inappropriate behaviors.


Our mission is to provide a home, care and protection to girls and young women who, due to various circumstances in their socio-family environment, lack a home and adequate opportunities that guarantee healthy development and growth at all levels: physical, moral, spiritual, emotional and educational.


The main goal of our service program is to offer you the opportunity to develop your potential to the fullest, so that you can live a righteous and successful life. We want to help develop independent women who are of benefit to their families and society, working with them successfully to develop the tools necessary to overcome the challenges they face.

Donation Campaign

I want to donate!

Thank you very much for your collaboration, help and philanthropic spirit!

Here are some of the initiatives to become part of our family:

  • Club 100 – Your donation of $100 a year will be used for our girls’ necessities. We will keep you informed of the activities we carry out so that you can share with us. We require your address, telephone number and e-mail. You can also join our Facebook page.
  • Send your donation to: Hogares Rafaela Ybarra: Calle Torre Laguna # 432, Río Piedras, PR 00923
  • Donate viaPayPal or ATH Móvil: Donate / HogaresRafaelaYbarra.

Love Transforms

The Homes have space to house 24 girls in 2 modern houses at the back of the Guardian Angels School. However, the need to provide them with education, health, clothing and food remains.

Girls from 5 to 18 years old
0 +
New Houses


Stay tuned for the events we will be publishing.