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Hogares Rafaela Ybarra

This is a non-profit corporation founded and directed by the Sisters of the Custodian Angels (Religiosas de los Ángeles Custodios). Our mission is to provide a home, care and protection to girls and teenage girls that for some reason are lacking a home and the adequate opportunities to achieve a healthy development and growth.
Hogares Rafaela Ybarra are located in the San José sector in Río Piedras, immediately behind Colegio Ángeles Custodios in the Sicilia Street.

Hogares Rafaela Ybarra

Calle Torrelaguna # 432, San José, Río Piedras,Puerto Rico, 00923

Tel: (787)763-1204 | Fax: (787)763-6266


Director: Sister Julia José Brécord

Be part of Club 100 Corporativo

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Be parto of Club 100 Familiar

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